Our Mission as FCWF, simply stated in three fold (WOT) will be “Worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Gospel Outreach & Teach Word of God” in the capacity God has graciously equipped us with. Being a fellowship rather than a Church, gives us different opportunities & avenues to serve God. Our humble desire is to shine the light of Christ through our lives in our families, Churches, Workplaces and the world
we touch and influence so that the world may know Jesus Christ is the Lord which in turn brings HIM Glory.
Our fellowship’s desire is to encourage people from different denominational back grounds to come under the same roof to worship our only one and true God, once a month. We cherish in the unity of believers for the sake of Gospel of Christ. Our burden is that God transform our lives through the power and preaching of the Gospel. Hymns & Contemporary Songs fill our praise worship. Sound teaching of Word of God is the key for our worship with emphasis on practical application of the word in the world we live in. Once a year focus is shifted to Family conference to address how to build a strong family in Christ. Christmas and New Year services are other opportunities where we rejoice together to thank for God’s love, provision, correction and conforming us to His will & purpose.
Our goal in outreach is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to the needy and lost through partnering with other organizations & churches who hold to our beliefs stated in our website both locally and globally. This involves either sending monetary support to the missionaries and/or supporting events where Gospel tracts, Bibles are distributed locally and/or globally.
As lay men, our desire is to study the word of God together through structured Bible studies & teaching so we can uplift and edify each other kids and adults alike. These studies are geared towards practical application of God’s word for daily Christian living and as well grow in the knowledge and wisdom of the word to be able to be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope that we have.
(1 Peter 3:15)
AI Website Creator